Monthly Archives: December 2013

Chester Zoo and 3 Months of Blogging – A Pilgrimage

It’s become a running trend by now; the first or second Friday of every month the same people, sat in the same seats in the same lecture theatre. Among the changing faces of the curious first years, the (potentially overly) keen second years, and the diligent lecturers and post-grads, there sits a hard core, a […]

Careers Cafe

Going to this meeting was extremely interesting. In short – past Bangor students who have gone on to do interesting and important things with their career come back to talk to us about how they fared in business. The importance of taking opportunities when they come, and always having an open mind were the main […]

I Commented on These Blogs

Assessment Centre

If we were all being honest, I think we would agree that this workshop was a bit… Lax… I mean don’t get me wrong, it was fairly entertaining, pretty good fun, and I suppose has given us a better insight into ourselves and how we come across in an assessment scenario. Myself? I’m a delegator […]